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Submit Music

Artists: submit your music with a YouTube or Soundcloud link and get ratings and legit feedback from our audience of passionate music fans and experts.

Rate Music

Tastemakers: listen, rate and comment on new music created by some of the most promising emerging artists hustling to make a career out of their talent.

Reap Rewards

Get recognized by reaching the top of our charts (leaderboards) as an artist or a tastemaker -- and be eligible from some exclusive, once-in-a-lifetime rewards.

We connect artists to tastemakers

But it doesn't end there. Submitting or rating music on xwave puts you in the running for recognition on our charts (leaderboards) AND major rewards from our partner brands, record labels and influential people in the music industry.

Your music is yours -- you keep all your rights, and continue to distribute it how and where you want. All we need is a YouTube or Soundcloud link to connect you to tastemakers and industry professionals for valuable feedback and promotional opportunities to help you grow as an artist.

Get Started!